Payment methods

Payment methods

We accept the following secure and practical payment methods.


The most popular online payment method. We are fully validated by Paypal so that you can buy confidence at any time.

*Paypal now offers a quick connection option, allowing you to safely access your account without entering a password. You can use facial recognition, fingerprint or password to connect easily, just like unlocking a device, allowing fast payments.


2. Credit by store

You can make payment directly with your credit card information on our website. We use a secure payment processing system that encrypts your credit card information to make sure your data is safe and confidential.

4. Bank transfer 

For orders that exceed € 500, please contact us if you want to place an order exceeding € 500 and wish to use a bank transfer as a payment method. We will provide you with our bank account information and help you complete the transaction.

Note: Once you have completed your bank transfer, please provide us with the following information: your order number, the payment amount, the transaction number and the wire transfer date. We accept online payments for regular orders and example.